
“Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power.” ~James Allen.

I lived half of my life under the false belief that my thoughts, feelings, and actions were outside of my control… but now I know better. First we choose a thought, then we attach an emotion to the thought, and that combination dictates the action or physical outcome. Thoughts don’t just happen… we choose them. Emotions aren’t being imposed upon us by people, places and things… we are selecting them. And our actions are only “knee-jerk” when we decide we are not going to put the effort into controlling them. There was a time in my life when that would have been a tough sell… I would not have believed it. The trick to making this work is faith and belief. God is always trying to give us the Right thoughts, and when we let Him, it ends up exactly where it belongs… and that Right thinking makes emotional stability infinitely easier. The goal for today: live in the proper order: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical… and achieve mastery, power and strength. Have a great day everybody!

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